Blade Interview Download

Blade Interview Download

  • Jan 27, 2019

Being as Blade is now on social media I replayed this interview as he is writing some great posts on FB at the moment.  Between myself and a couple of others we will be helping Blade get a proper website up and running with all the great pictures, videos and stories.  He was in the […]

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Review of 2018 by ABU members

Review of 2018 by ABU members

  • Jan 11, 2019

Last night the first Disco Scratch Radio of the year aired and featured all tracks released in 2018 (except one which is coming out in 2019, but created in 2018!), all selected by members of the ABU FaceBook group.  20 tracks in total, I won’t flap on too much in here, just get your listening […]

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Disco Scratch Hotline is Live! 07396 543192

I’m doing an end of year 2018 show so this is a chance for you to get involved and ring the hotline and leave a message.  Please make sure you get it in before Wednesday 30th December 2018 for includion in the show… OK y’all, peash!

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When I started doing Disco Scratch I had a slot on Freestyle FM (now defunct).  Back then there weren’t loads of stations you could do shows on, but Freestyle had a good mix of Hip Hop, D n B, jungle, reggae etc and we fitted in nicely.  The crew there were nice too, never met […]

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You can’t keep a good dog down… and this dog is still around.  After not putting out much content since the glory days in 2011 I’ve tried my best to keep the shows regular but real life shit just gets in the way…. So, starting this week I’m uploading all shows to Mixcloud, Soundcloud, YouTube […]

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