Disco Scratch Radio 31.01.2019 with Safire

Disco Scratch Radio 31.01.2019 with Safire

  • Feb 01, 2019

About 5 years ago I did a show with my son.  He was about 13 roughly.  I got him to play 3 tunes and I gave my opinions, then I played him 3 and he gave me mine (we played them alternately).  I had a lot of great feedback about that show, as it’s about […]

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Throwback Show, DSR10 Biscuits

  • Dec 09, 2018

This week I was stuck away working AGAIN with shitty Wifi.  I knew I couldn’t broadcast live so I tried to upload this show 4 HOURS before 9pm and after 3 hours it was still only 50% done so I ended up abandoning it.  I feel like a got damn stuck record with telling people […]

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No Sleep Nigel Interview Part 2

  • Nov 30, 2018

Bloody hell the knowledge this bloke has is super deep.  So we split the interview into 2.  Thanks to everyone who joined in live last week for the show.  Unfortunately I had a bad problem that arose yesterday that threw everything out the window, so when I should have been streaming I was driving down […]

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A member of ABU! Asked me this past week about an interview that I did with No Sleep Nigel.  He had found an obscure reference to it on a forum somewhere.  After a bit of searching I realised that even though it was broadcast back in 2010 it wasn’t available for download anywhere.  I was […]

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Disco Scratch Radio 15.11.2018

  • Nov 20, 2018

OK, OK, it’s 5 days after it was broadcast, I had a few things to deal with over the weekend, so here it is…  What’s that weird frog? WTF is he going on about?  All explained in the show… Waxy woo brings some new tracks along, has a good rant about “internet speak” that is […]

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