Disco Scratch Radio 11.03.2020 ABU Nautilus Flip

After a long hiatus… we’re back and like a virus, I’m hoping to infect everyone! I have always loved the format of radio and podcast, it’s just right for me, so on a Thursday night between 9PM & 11PM, you might wanna turn that dial to discoscratch.co.uk/radio to tune in, or search “Disco Scratch” (2 […]

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The first MiniDisc day, TODAY! March 7th 2020

Today is MiniDisc day, the very first of its’ kind (March 7th 2020). “I remember them” say a few Ageing B Boys… right now I have a shoe box full of DuckAlert Minidiscs I am converting… imagine a decades worth of beats and the brother makes maybe 3 or 4 a week minimum, so you […]

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2020 update

2020 update

  • Jan 10, 2020

Stability… this is something we could all do with, however life throws curve balls in our path and no matter how hard we try to swing our bat to hit that ball… it goes straight in the glove of the catcher… I’m approaching 50 and had a bit of a rollercoaster over the past couple […]

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ABU! Podcast for Summer 2019

ABU! Podcast for Summer 2019

  • Aug 19, 2019

Well, whadyaknow? Repo136 has gone and done it again guv’nah!  A finely sliced & diced 2 hours of entertainment to lick your ears with that Hip Hop you need… featuring cuts from all over the place and leaving me wanting to listen to back to back Mike Allen shows. If you are not acquainted with […]

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DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Yoda & Huey Morgan Gig Review Dreamland Margate

In 35 years of listening to Hip Hop I have never had the opportunity to see Jazzy Jeff live, so when I heard he was going to be in my town, I stood up and paid attention!  Alongside the UKs finest cut & paster DJ Yoda and Huey Morgan from the Fun Lovin’ Criminals, with […]

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Disco Scratch Radio 31.01.2019 with Safire

Disco Scratch Radio 31.01.2019 with Safire

  • Feb 01, 2019

About 5 years ago I did a show with my son.  He was about 13 roughly.  I got him to play 3 tunes and I gave my opinions, then I played him 3 and he gave me mine (we played them alternately).  I had a lot of great feedback about that show, as it’s about […]

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Blade Interview Download

Blade Interview Download

  • Jan 27, 2019

Being as Blade is now on social media I replayed this interview as he is writing some great posts on FB at the moment.  Between myself and a couple of others we will be helping Blade get a proper website up and running with all the great pictures, videos and stories.  He was in the […]

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Review of 2018 by ABU members

Review of 2018 by ABU members

  • Jan 11, 2019

Last night the first Disco Scratch Radio of the year aired and featured all tracks released in 2018 (except one which is coming out in 2019, but created in 2018!), all selected by members of the ABU FaceBook group.  20 tracks in total, I won’t flap on too much in here, just get your listening […]

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Disco Scratch Hotline is Live! 07396 543192

I’m doing an end of year 2018 show so this is a chance for you to get involved and ring the hotline and leave a message.  Please make sure you get it in before Wednesday 30th December 2018 for includion in the show… OK y’all, peash!

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Streamed live on Thursday 20th December, accompanied by a couple of snifters of a little suttin’ suttin’, I sat with my elf hat on and partially open paisley dressing gown and got filled in with Christmas spirit courtesy the old boy Repo Claus… We always try to get as many people in the chatroom as […]

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